Everything About Employee Monitoring Software

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Everything About Employee Monitoring Software


Employee Monitoring Software

The employee monitoring software is engineer-developed software which is to monitor activities in employee computers. It is a web service that is beneficial to both employees and employers. Employers can stay up to date about employee productivity, attendance, etc and employees also learn how to be regular and progress in their fields. 

Benefits of Employee Monitoring Software to the Employer

The real picture of employee productivity: Employee monitoring software monitors and reports employee productivity. It also shows how the employees use the computer during office hours. The employee monitoring software also calculates the productivity level on different metrics for the employer.

Remote, working from home, and in-office employees: this software helps in monitoring the employees who are working either in the office or from home or remotely. It is not necessary for the employee to require a company laptop, desktop computer, or remote PC. The employee monitoring software just requires installation in the employee’s workstation and it will monitor their computer activities during office hours.

Active, logins & logouts: the employee monitoring software reports the login and logout times and their activities on the system, with the software, they work in

Overloaded or Unproductive employees: Employee monitoring software not only records logins & logouts on the employee's computer times. This tells the employer or manager their under and overtime. It also information about the underperformers or unproductive employees, It even tells you about false overtime and overloaded employees.

Top performers: this software also offers you information about your top performers. Now you can award your best-performing employees and encourage and motivates them for their future performances. 

Employee Attendance: the employee monitoring software keeps a record of your employee’s system login & logout times, attendance, and active times.

Websites use: Employee monitoring software also monitors the websites that the employee visits on the company’s computers or during office hours. It also identifies if the site that the employee was using was within the productive or unproductive category.

Checklist for Employee Monitoring Software

There are many employee monitoring software in the market. Some provide extraordinary features and some offer a bit less. Some are essential and some might seem like a waste of money. To purchase the best employee monitoring software that is best suitable for you, your employees, and your company. Following are a few features that one might find while looking for the software.

  • Keystroke logging
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Website blocking
  • Screenshot capture and export
  • USB-use alerts
  • Full access to SQL data
  • Data Leak Prevention
  • Time spent on activities
  • The categorization of activities as productive or unproductive

Other Considerations

The system may operate differently depending on the software you have. They are: User Input and Always On/Scheduled. 

Some employers also give their employees the control to keep track of their tasks. They can record the time and progress when they start, end or pause the project. They can input all the data that they collected during this period.

Some of the other software keeps on collecting the data while the computer is in use. This allows the employees to work freely without thinking about logging in. Most of the time the administrator has the option to schedule the recording time. It helps especially when you are tracking only during business hours. It also provides you with unbiased data which is very important to keep the employee’s authenticity.

When you finally know the features that you require the most you can compare the services offered by different software. This will help you choose the best employee monitoring software that works for your business and your employees.

Benefits of Using Employee Monitoring Software for Employees

Improves Employee Punctuality: We know how precious time is and how difficult it is to be punctual and start your work on time. The employee monitoring software is also a time tracking software that helps your employees to work as soon as they start. The employers can schedule the shifts and timing accordingly so that they learn to be punctual.

Increases Productivity: the employees can determine their productivity levels and work for consistency or improvement. This allows you to be more productive and achieve your targets on time. This also helps with the growth of your company including their personal growth.

Balance Work/Personal Life: it is difficult to juggle house and work at the same time. But with employee monitoring software you can monitor the time spent on a project. It will provide you with a list of employees who are overworking themselves. It will also allow you to provide a positive work environment and guide them to maintain a balance between personal life as well.

Automate Data Collection Tasks: some employee monitoring software also has an AI-powered time tracker. It generates automated reports for employee attendance, timesheets, and productivity levels. With this data, you can help your employees and guide them in the right direction.

Employee monitoring software is the future of business. It allows the employee to work in a comfortable environment of their liking.